Recipe Wednesdays: Yogurt Popsicles!

Dr. Wilson knows it isn’t always easy to find braces-friendly snacks that are both healthy and delicious, so he’s finding the best recipes out there to share with his patients.  Check back every Wednesday for a new easy and fun snack to try out.

This week’s snack was inspired by contest winner and patient, Anna.  Anna entered February’s National Snack Food Month Contest with her favorite braces-friendly snack: frozen yogurt!

Make your own Yogurt Popsicles with this easy recipe from Southern Food,


1 Cup plain yogurt

3/4 Cut frozen fruit juice or pureed fresh fruit!

3/4 Cup milk


Combine yogurt, fruit juice (of fruit puree), and milk.  Use a vessel with a pouring lip to pour the mixture into popsicle molds or into small paper cups.  Insert a popsicle stick in the center of each.  Freeze until firm, about 2-3 hours.  To serve, peel off molds/ paper cups.
