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Orthodontist in Chapel Hill: Fluoride & Dental Health

Fluoride is a mineral that prevents tooth decay and supports strong teeth. Fluoride has been used for decades to fight harmful bacteria and strengthen tooth enamel (the protective layer of each tooth). If you’re at high risk for developing cavities or have compromised tooth enamel, you may want to consider adding professional fluoride treatment as […]

Orthodontist in Chapel Hill Offers Teeth Whitening Tips

If you’re considering teeth whitening, you may be wondering what you need to know before booking your appointment. Our orthodontist in Chapel Hill is here to help! There are different types of whitening treatments and some considerations for those with braces or dental restorations. Keep reading to learn more below.  Types of Whitening  There are […]

Orthodontist in Chapel Hill: Should You Floss or Brush First?

Brushing and flossing are essential parts of taking care of your oral health and ensuring that you don’t get cavities! If you want to maintain a good oral hygiene regimen, you need to do both — twice a day, every day. However, you might be wondering if doing one before the other is better. Our […]

Orthodontist near Chapel Hill: Does Brushing Prevent Gum Disease?

We all know that oral health begins by caring for your teeth and gums at home — neglecting regular teeth brushing and flossing leads to plaque buildup on the teeth and gum inflammation. Over time, these problems can lead to infection, tooth decay, and gum disease. Our orthodontist near Chapel Hill explains more here. What […]

Orthodontist in Chapel Hill Explains Dentin Hypersensitivity

Tooth sensitivity (also referred to as dentin hypersensitivity) is a common dental problem that causes pain – cold beverages, hot foods, and sweet treats can all trigger it. Sensitivity may be caused by common conditions, such as worn tooth enamel, but it can also be a sign of something more serious. Thankfully, you can treat […]

Orthodontist in Chapel Hill: Importance of Early Evaluations

Orthodontic treatment isn’t just for teenagers and adults — bringing your child in for an early evaluation can help prevent more invasive treatment down the road! Early orthodontic evaluations are recommended for children before the age of 7, as this is the easiest time to treat orthodontic problems before the mouth is done growing. Our […]

Orthodontist in Chapel Hill Warns Against DIY Plaque Removal

With Christmas coming up, you might be seeing advertisements for plaque scrapers that you can use at home to remove tartar and stains. While it may be tempting to buy these as gifts for your friends and family, you should be aware that you can damage your teeth and gums with DIY plaque scraping. Our […]

Orthodontist in Chapel Hill Explains Classes Of Malocclusion

Occlusion is the term used to describe how the upper and lower teeth align and fit together. In a healthy mouth, the upper teeth fit just over the lower teeth. When the teeth don’t align as they should, it is called malocclusion, or a bad bite. There are different classes of malocclusion, all of which […]

Orthodontist in Chapel Hill: Benefits of Early Evaluations

If you’ve been wondering when your child should visit a pediatric dentist, look no further. Our orthodontist is here to provide some information on the importance of pediatric dentistry and the benefits to taking your child to their first checkup as early as possible. How can a checkup help your child? Our orthodontist in Chapel […]