Durham & Oxford, NC
Category: Invisalign

Give Your Teen A Winning Smile

Does your teen avoid smiling because they don’t like their teeth? An adolescent’s smile can actually have a profound effect on their self esteem and even impact their social skills. Further, according to a research study out of Webster University, a confident smile can be seen as even more attractive than traditional good looks.  We know that our teens are super conscious of their image.

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Invisalign – The Invisibility Cloak of Orthodontics

Invisalign – The Invisibility Cloak of Orthodontics In the current climate of COVID-19 we all wish we could step into a fantasy world and to tell the truth, apparating into Hogwarts sounds pretty good right now (ok, ok, Hermione, we know we can’t apparate in)! While we can’t escape the reality of the times – reading Harry Potter is a good way to distract ourselves;

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Invisalign – The Clear Choice for Orthodontics During Social Distancing 

Invisalign – The Clear Choice for Orthodontics During Social Distancing  We live in strange times – gestures once taken for granted – handshakes, hugs, fist bumps – are now taboo; even our smiles are often hidden behind masks. But that doesn’t mean no one is seeing your smile. COVID-19 has meant socially distancing ourselves but it has also meant a boom in social media. Humans

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Thanksgiving With Your Raleigh NC, Orthodontist

There’s a lot going on in the world today and it’s easy to forget what we are thankful for as we reflect on this Thanksgiving. Your Raleigh, NC, orthodontist is most thankful for you, your business and your trust as we work with you to make your smiles the best they can possibly be. Wilson Orthodontics understands that you have a lot of options when

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Same Day Appointments By Durham NC, Orthodontist

Transforming your smile is a big decision and an important one. We’re all busy, we all have things to do, and we all have reasons to put things off – and tend to use those reasons often. For this reason, your Durham, NC, orthodontist should offer same-day appointments. There’s no delay, no problem, and most importantly for your welfare, no waiting on the road to

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Does It Matter Where I Get My Invisalign?

With the growing popularity of Invisalign, a growing number of orthodontists are offering this treatment option. If your Oxford, NC orthodontist is offering it, you may be wondering if you should go with the practice you know, or choose someone else. Here are some considerations that can help with this choice.  Choose an Orthodontist with Experience  The Invisalign system consists of clear aligners that cover

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Celebrate Your Child Getting Braces Near Wake Forest, NC

By the time your child needs braces, they should already be quite familiar with their Wake Forest, NC orthodontist, Dr. Wilson. According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), children should visit the orthodontist for their first evaluation by age 7. While comprehensive treatment is not always necessary at that time, it’s still important to evaluate the growth and development of the teeth and the occlusions

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Durham, NC’s Top Rated Orthodontist Discusses The Evolution Of Orthodontics

The Evolution of Orthodontics Does an expensive dress or pricey haircut change who you are? Are you truly more beautiful with three coats of mascara and the perfect selfie lighting or are you just closer to achieving what you think society wants to see? Are you hiding your smile because you’re afraid people will judge your crooked teeth or is the judgment you fear most

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Your Beautiful, Healthy Smile This Summer By Your Top-Rated Orthodontist Near Roxboro, NC

Summer is such a special time. School’s out and so is the sun, and you just can’t help but smile. Or can you? The carefree summer months should be for relaxation, but if you have doubts about your smile or bite issues that are preventing you from enjoying your annual neighborhood block party, it’s time to call a well-respected Roxboro, NC orthodontist to do something about

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