Durham & Oxford, NC
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Durham NC Orthodontist Answers: Is All Orthodontic Treatment the Same?

Choose the Right Professional with Advice from Our Durham NC Orthodontist Look for an Expert Orthodontist When it comes searching for an orthodontist, our Durham NC orthodontist stresses the importance of choosing a professional with the correct education and credentials. Orthodontists are dentists who undergo an additional two to three years of education after dental school. They go through extensive training on jaw function and

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Chapel Hill NC Orthodontist Reveals the Worst Candy

It’s officially fall, and our Chapel Hill NC orthodontist knows that while many people are enjoying the changing of the seasons, others are focused on how to keep their family’s teeth healthy during the coming holiday. For those with kids in braces, Halloween can be a challenge. School parties and trick-or-treating are fun for children, but they can wreak havoc on braces. This doesn’t mean

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Creedmoor NC Orthodontist: Tips for Healthy Braces

The month of October is National Orthodontic Health Month and is dedicated to promoting the awareness of orthodontic care and its impact on everyday life. Having healthy, straight teeth not only helps prevent decay and periodontal disease, but also provides a more aesthetically-pleasing smile to increase your self-confidence. Our Creedmoor NC orthodontist wants to share a few tips on the importance of orthodontic care and

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Hillsborough NC Orthodontist Explains the Difference Between an Orthodontist & Dentist

The role proper oral hygiene plays in your overall health is undeniable, and our Hillsborough NC orthodontist wants you to know the best way to care for your teeth. Beyond brushing and flossing regularly, there are certain steps everyone should take to maintain good oral hygiene. This includes routine dental cleanings and staying on top of any issues that arise. Hillsborough NC Orthodontist – Oral Health

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Roxboro NC Orthodontist Debunks Common Myths About Invisalign

When it comes to orthodontic issues, there are no shortage of treatment options and services available from our Roxboro NC orthodontist. If you’re in the market for orthodontic treatment and interested in Invisalign, it’s important to research how it works before making a choice. This can be a daunting task, especially when there’s an abundance of information out there and you’re not sure what’s accurate.

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Henderson NC Orthodontist Answers: How Often Should You Wear Your Retainer?

After they wear braces for up to two years, patients of our Henderson NC orthodontist frequently ask, “How often will I have to wear my retainer?” Although the process of aligning teeth varies from person to person, once your braces come off, you will be required to wear a retainer. The amount of time you should wear your retainer depends on a couple of factors

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Oxford NC Orthodontist Shares Tips to Help You Avoid Treatment Delays

It’s 2017 and our Oxford NC orthodontist knows balancing career and family responsibilities has the average person busier than ever. When our days are filled with carpooling, meetings, and errands, the last thing we need are delays in our orthodontic treatment. While it may seem like many things in life are out of our hands, being proactive about your orthodontic treatment can go a long

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Durham NC Orthodontist: Your Child’s First Appointment

  A common question received by our Durham NC orthodontist is, “Should I bring my child to an orthodontist?” The short answer is YES. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that every child receive an early evaluation by a trained orthodontist at the age of 7. Since many early warning signs can only be recognized with x-rays and the eye of an experienced jaw specialist,

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Raleigh NC Orthodontist Recommends These Braces-Friendly Foods

When braces become a part of your everyday life, there are certain regimens our Raleigh NC orthodontist recommends to all of our patients. Brushing after every meal is one of them, along with avoiding certain foods, like corn on the cob and chewing gum. The goal is to get a healthy, straight smile at our Raleigh orthodontic office, and any food that’s hard or chewy

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Creedmoor NC Orthodontist: Make Braces Fun for Kids

The start of a new school year brings about change and growth for many kids. Whether your child is attending a new school or starting a new sport, there are many things to be excited about. A trip to your Creedmoor NC orthodontist, however, is not something children always look forward to, especially if getting braces is on the horizon. Luckily, our Creedmoor orthodontist knows

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