Durham & Oxford, NC
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Hillsborough NC Orthodontist Answers: Is There a Gender Gap in Oral Health?

Our Hillsborough NC orthodontist knows that proper oral hygiene is important for both genders. A clean, bright smile is achievable for men and women alike; however, it is also the case that susceptibility to some oral conditions may be increased by gender and daily hygiene habits. Our Hillsborough NC Orthodontist Says Habits Reveal Biggest Gender Difference The Journal of International Society of Preventative & Community

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Roxboro NC Orthodontist Reveals 4 Reasons for Your Bad Breath

If your breath is not always minty fresh, you are certainly not alone. Our Roxboro NC orthodontist says that bad breath can be caused by several factors, and many people experience this condition. The first step to improving your breath is to determine what is causing the odor. Read on to explore some potential causes of your bad breath and how our 5-star Roxboro orthodontist

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Henderson NC Orthodontist Explains How to Properly Store Your Toothbrush

Our Henderson NC orthodontist thinks that it is fair to say your toothbrush is the superhero of your oral hygiene! Your toothbrush allows you to brush twice a day and gently scrub away food particles, plaque, and bacteria. By scrubbing effectively, your toothbrush helps ensure you a lifetime of healthy smiles. Considering how important your toothbrush is, it is important to keep it clean and

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Oxford NC Orthodontist Answers: Does Your Retainer Really Matters?

Yes! Your retainer matters. Our Oxford NC orthodontist assures you that if your retainer was trivial, our orthodontic office in Oxford would never bother prescribing them. Your retainer may seem like a chore, but it is doing the important task of ensuring your smile remains beautiful forever. Our Oxford NC Orthodontist Says Your Smile Never Stops Moving Just like it took gradual progress to move

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Durham NC Orthodontist Gives 5 Tips to Clean Your Invisalign Trays

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment because the clear, removable trays allow for your smile to straighten beautifully without the hassle of traditional braces. However, our Durham NC orthodontist reminds you that Invisalign trays require some maintenance as well! If you do not regularly clean your trays they can become discolored or develop a foul odor. Read on for tips to keep your trays clean

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Chapel Hill NC Orthodontist Discusses the Benefits of Invisalign for Teens

High school can be tough enough without having to manage traditional braces. Our Chapel Hill NC orthodontist has recommended Invisalign to many teens who qualify as candidates. These clear, custom-made aligners allow for the same orthodontic progress that traditional braces would provide without the need for uncomfortable brackets and wires. 3 Reasons Our Chapel Hill NC Orthodontist Knows Teens Love Invisalign #1 Easy Care Traditional

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Creedmoor NC Orthodontist: How Do Braces Work?

If our 5-star Creedmoor NC orthodontist had to answer how braces move your teeth in just one word, that word would be pressure. That’s where the magic is. Not just any pressure will work, however! In order to sustain healthy, long-term movement, braces need to apply slow, steady, and sustained pressure. Our orthodontic office in Creedmoor works to calculate what nuanced forces your teeth need.

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Hillsborough NC Orthodontist Explains Why Your Gums Hurt When You Floss?

Flossing is a key component of top-notch oral hygiene according to our 5-star Hillsborough NC orthodontist. Not only does it remove unsightly food and plaque from between your teeth in the short term, but it also prevents tooth decay and gum disease in the long run. If the benefits of flossing are so awesome, though, then why do you experience sore gums when doing so?

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Roxboro NC Orthodontist Answers: Is Invisalign Right for You?

  Virtually invisible orthodontic treatment sounds like an attractive way to straighten your smile, don’t you agree? Our Roxboro NC orthodontist is excited to offer Invisalign to achieve just that. However, Invisalign is not recommended for everyone. Our goal at our orthodontic office in Roxboro is to ensure that you are provided the best treatment for your smile’s unique needs. Are you interested in Invisalign?

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Henderson NC Orthodontist Busts Common Myths About Braces

Braces can be a big commitment to improving your smile and oral health. You may have been doing some research while thinking about the decision, but our top-rated Henderson NC orthodontist warns you not to fall for everything you read about braces. Your experience will be unique to your smile! Our orthodontist in Henderson is busting myths about braces, so you can make a positive,

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