Durham & Oxford, NC
Category: Uncategorized

Your Best Bite With Oxford NC’s, Favorite Orthodontist

When discussing braces or orthodontics, your Oxford orthodontist might refer to a “perfect bite,” but what does that really mean? Here’s some insight into what your smile should optimally look like and how braces or Invisalign can help you get there. What is Normal? First things first: The perfect smile does not exist. Your grin is the culmination of a whole host of factors including

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Protect Your Treatment With Your Durham, NC Orthodontist

Wearing or not wearing rubber bands are not the only options. Get the help you need for your rubber bands from your Durham, NC, orthodontist, Dr. Wilson. What is the Purpose of Your Rubber Bands? Patients with ceramic or metal braces may also be using rubber bands that work with their braces. Rubber bands are used to provide you with better treatment and improved outcomes.

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Say No to DIY Orthodontics

In today’s digital world, you can buy almost anything you want on the Internet. This includes finding the do it yourself information that goes along with it. Everyone wants to save money every way they can. However, some people are learning the hard way that doing it yourself isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, especially when straightening your teeth at home. Tina Hicks lost

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Lets Move! With Wilson Orthodontics

May is National Fitness and Sports Month, so let’s all take advantage of the warmer weather and Beyonce to get moving with exercise and healthier lifestyles to improve physical fitness. Active kids do better with 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day. Research shows that when children are physically active, they achieve higher grades, record better attendance, and their behavior improves. Both exercise

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Here Are 5 Ways To Eat Your Way To A Healthy Smile

All of us here at Wilson Orthodontics in Durham and Oxford NC have heard the expression “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. Taking this to heart can make our teeth stronger and brighter if we eat the right foods to support that healthy smile. Even though Veneers, crowns, and fillings, along with professional whitening can make your teeth stronger and brighter,

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Study: Misleading Marketing Affects Parents Decisions

Many parents aren’t getting the message that sugary drinks, other than soda, are not healthy alternatives for your kids. As orthodontic treatment providers, we are not only concerned the added sugar is unhealthy in our kids diets, the drinks also promote decalcification or permanent white marks around brackets if patients are not brushing or rinsing their mouths after drinking. The Rudd Center for Food Policy

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Celebrate St Patrick’s Day Wilson Orthodontics

Whether you are Irish or not, St Patrick’s Day brings out the Irish in everyone, kids and adults alike. Many patients ask for green colored elastics in March! Whether you go to a party, watch a parade, eat green soup, or just put on a green hat, St Patrick’s Day has become a holiday fixture in the US. The holiday originated as a commemoration of

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When Should Children Visit An Orthodontist?

Let’s address a common question parents in Durham and Oxford NC have when considering orthodontics for their children. “When is the best time to have my child evaluated by an orthodontist?” Before you begin researching…orthodontist Dr. Michael Wilson would like to answer that question for you. Orthodontics is about realigning your teeth into a beautiful smile, aka… moving your teeth from where they are, to

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Protect Your Retainers From Life’s Happenings

So, you’ve finally said goodbye to braces. Congratulations, you made it! Your smile is radiant and you’re flashing your pearly whites at any person, place, or thing that glances your way! However, before you can truly celebrate your wonderful new smile, make sure to wear your retainers to keep your teeth looking perfect over the long haul. Anything Can Happen When Retainers Are Out of

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At Wilson Orthodontics We Want You To Love Your Smile

On Valentine’s Day 2015, loving your smile is incredibly easy. Orthodontic treatment is the perfect way to treat that special someone to the gift of a new smile. Or…treat yourself to that perfect smile you have always wanted. There is no way to measure the happiness derived from a healthy, stunning smile. A bright, beautiful smile can work wonders on your social life and even

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