Durham & Oxford, NC
Category: Uncategorized

Midline Discrepancy – How It Affects Your Appearance in Durham NC…

If you pay close attention to popular culture and celebrities, you may have noticed many celebrities wear braces, Tom Cruise included. Why did Tom wear braces? The center of his two front teeth did not line up with the center of his nose and upper lip. There is nothing medically wrong with this condition. However, as a leading man in Hollywood, this flaw in his

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Handling Out of Town Emergencies…

It is almost that time of year again…summer vacation. We know that we have posted this blog before but we also feel that it serves as a valuable reminder about what to do when you have an orthodontic emergency home or away on vacation. The video contains good information all patients and parents should know. Here is the link on How to Handle an Orthodontic

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Why Choose Early Orthodontic Treatment With A Palatal Expander?

Everyone who visits Wilson Orthodontics wants to flash a perfect smile. However not everyone is born with perfectly straight teeth. Many subtle problems go unnoticed when checking out someone’s smile. Crooked teeth are more obvious, but how your teeth fit together is just as important when creating a great smile and orthodontic result over the long haul for good dental health. Underdeveloped growth or narrowing

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Don’t Rush Mother Nature When Moving Teeth…

We have all heard the saying “patience is a virtue”. However, as human beings… we want, what we want, when we want it. Unfortunately, most things worth having do not come easily without time and effort and when it comes to a successful orthodontic result, you can’t rush “Mother Nature.” Understanding the physiology of the human body explains why gentle forces are used to move

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Oral Piercings – Is it Worth It?

Oral piercings of the tongue, lips, and cheeks are growing in popularity, acceptance and considered a way to express ones personality in an art form like tattoos. However, did you know the human bite can be more “toxic” than an animal bite? Keeping this in mind, imagine what could happen to your mouth with oral piercings that collect additional food and debris that breed bacteria

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Recipe Wednesdays: Twisty Soft Pretzels!

Ingredients 3/4 cup warm water 1/2 envelope yeast 1 tsp sugar 2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 tsp salt 1 egg, beaten pinches of salt or cinnamon-sugar   Directions Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.  In a small bowl, stir together warm water, yeast, and sugar.  In a large mixing bowl, mix salt and flour with a large spoon.  After five minutes, stir yeast mix into

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The Skinny on Orthodontics…

Dr. Michael Wilson at Wilson Orthodontics would like to share with you a few fun facts offered by the American Association of Orthodontists ( AAO ) we think will be of interest. • The first mechanical treatment for correcting malaligned teeth was suggested by Gaius Plinius Secundus (A.D 23-79). • Famous orthodontic patients include: Tom Cruise, Kathryn Heigle, Hale Irwin, Cher, Diana Ross, Phyllis Diller,

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Orthodontic Warning Signs…

The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that parents understand the early warning signs of an orthodontics problem and recommends kids be evaluated by an orthodontist by age 7 – 8. Early evaluation provides both timely detection of problems and a greater opportunity for more effective treatment. Well-timed intervention guides growth and development, preventing serious problems later. When orthodontic intervention is not necessary, an orthodontist can

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Should Parents Worry if Baby Teeth Aren’t Falling Out?

When parents visit Wilson Orthodontics, it is not uncommon for parents to worry if their child’s baby teeth do not fall out on time. Infants rollover, sit, walk, and talk at different stages of their development. The same is true when your child is losing baby teeth. There are some developmental issues which require professional attention, but in general, what should parents expect when their

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