Durham & Oxford, NC
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Invisalign in Durham, NC, Expert Answers – Is Invisalign Treatment Appropriate for Children?

Does Your Child Need Braces? While there is no set rule on when to begin orthodontic treatment, most children get braces between ages 10-14. Our office often sees even younger patients, whose dentists have recommended an orthodontic evaluation. In fact, you may be surprised to hear that the American Association of Orthodontists advises parents to have their children evaluated by age 7, as issues like

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Alternatives to Braces in Creedmoor, NC

Do you dread the idea of wearing braces in Creedmoor, NC? Our orthodontist at Wilson Orthodontics may be able to suggest some alternatives for yourself or your child. Keep reading to learn more! Braces in Creedmoor, NC, May Not Be Your Only Option! According to our orthodontist at Wilson Orthodontics, there are two potential alternatives to braces in Creedmoor that you may be able to

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Hillsborough Orthodontist Answers: Will an Electric Toothbrush Damage Your Braces?

Our Hillsborough orthodontist commonly hears patients and parents ask about the best way to take care of their teeth during braces treatment. One question we hear is whether to use a regular toothbrush or an electric toothbrush. If you’re worried that an electric toothbrush might damage your or your child’s braces, we have great news for you – it won’t! Our Hillsborough Orthodontist Explains the

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Roxboro, NC, Orthodontist for Children Discusses Space Maintainers

  Would Your Child Benefit from Early Orthodontic Care? Did you know that the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends every child see an orthodontist by age 7? According to our Roxboro, NC, orthodontist for children, the benefits of an early evaluation can be significant. By harnessing your child’s growth patterns to guide their teeth naturally, a skilled orthodontist may be able to help your

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Henderson Orthodontics Expert Answers: What Is a Malocclusion?

Our Henderson Orthodontics Expert Discusses Crooked Teeth If you or your child has already had an evaluation with your Henderson orthodontics expert, then you might have heard the word “malocclusion.” This orthodontic issue is a common reason for children and adults to receive braces or Invisalign treatment. What exactly IS a malocclusion, though? Our Henderson orthodontist is here to explain! What Is a Malocclusion? To

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Orthodontist in Oxford, NC, Answers: Does Getting Braces Hurt?

  One reason people often put off seeing an orthodontist in Oxford, NC, for braces is the assumption that there will be a certain amount of pain involved. All those brackets and wires have to hurt, right? They don’t! Although a period of adjustment is standard, you’ll be glad to know that most people experience minimal discomfort when they get braces in Oxford. Adjusting to

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Braces in Durham, NC, Have Come a Long Way – Which Type is Right for You?

  Like most professional industries, the field of orthodontics and braces in Durham, NC, has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years. Beyond cutting-edge technology and equipment, there are now multiple treatment options to choose from when considering braces, each offering their own unique benefits. With all these advancements, you may be asking yourself where traditional metal braces stand in the mix? Do people

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Help Delayed Permanent Teeth with Children’s Orthodontics in Raleigh, NC

Children experience many milestones throughout their lives and when it comes to orthodontics in Raleigh, NC, getting permanent teeth is one of the biggest. As parents, we’re there when our kids take their first step, say their first word, and when their first baby tooth comes in. It’s one development after another, and before we know it, they begin losing their baby teeth, making way

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Our Top-Rated Chapel Hill, NC, Invisalign Provider Shares Its Pros and Cons

  Making the decision to put your oral health first is monumental, especially if you’ve been on the fence and weighing your options for some time. If this is the case, then you’ve likely researched area professionals as well as treatment methods like our revolutionary Chapel Hill, NC, Invisalign aligners. This discreet treatment option has loads to offer, including a beautiful smile in less time.

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