Durham & Oxford, NC
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Celebrate Earth Day with Wilson Orthodontics

Dr. Michael Wilson and team at Wilson Orthodontics will be joining the world in acknowledging Earth Day on April 22nd as a way to demonstrate our support for environmental protections. Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 among two thousand colleges and universities, approximately 10.000 primary and secondary schools, and hundreds of communities across the US. Twenty million Americans ventured outside for peaceful demonstrations in

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Is Your Mouthguard Making You Sick?

Must adults and kids today understand the importance of wearing a mouthguard when playing contact sports, especially while wearing braces. Blows to the mouth are painful enough without brackets and wires cutting into your lips and tongue making it worse. Teeth are actually less prone to injury when wired together as a single unit during orthodontic treatment. A mouth guard protects the braces and serves

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Enjoy Eating Right During March National Nutrition Month

Did you know that research confirms that taste is more important than nutrition as the main reason why we choose one food over another? Even though hereditary, social, emotional and health factors play a role, the foods people enjoy most are usually the ones they eat. So setting healthy standards are important to family health and lifestyles along with physical activity. The key message National

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Wilson Orthodontics Proudly Sponsors Children’s Dental Health Month in 2014

The National Children’s Center Health Month campaign in February brings together thousands of dedicated dental professionals, health care providers and others to promote the benefits of good oral health to children and adults, caregivers, teachers, and many others each year. This year’s the 2014 NCDHM campaign features the slogan “Join the Super Smile Team!”. The program first started almost 75 years ago in Ohio as

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Fall in Love with a New Smile at Wilson Orthodontics

This Valentine’s Day, falling in love with your smile has never been easier. There is no way to measure the magnitude of a healthy, beautiful smile. If you are looking for that special gift to treat yourself that allows you to become the best possible version of yourself, orthodontic treatment is a great way to love yourself. The look of your smile can affect your

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TMJ Jaw Pain Can Be a Mouthful in Durham and Oxford NC

Living with aching or clicking jaws can be hard to swallow! Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, also commonly known as TMJ or TMD, is a joint disorder that affects the opening and closing of the jaw, and can have many side effects that relate to the teeth, head and neck. Like other joints, the relationship between the bone and disk will affect how well the joint works.

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Start the New Year 2014 with a New Smile

Losing weight, exercising, healthy diet, and reducing stress are some of the most common New Year’s resolutions that target health and well-being. While they are important, have you ever thought about improving your smile? While many patients undergo orthodontic treatment for cosmetic reasons, braces also correct tooth alignment, spacing, and your occlusion or bite for improved dental health and oral hygiene. Orthodontic patients of all

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Experiencing The Holidays

At Wilson Orthodontics, we are midway into the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. When was the last time you stopped to simply experience and appreciate what your life has to offer and how much you take for granted on a regular basis? Take a few moments to be grateful for the simple things in life like water running, electricity to light our way

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The Perfect Holiday Gift

The American Association of Orthodontics commissioned Wakefield Research to conduct a study on how teeth impact your life. In a nutshell, the study showed that more than one third of American adults are unhappy with their smile. It revealed that 36% of adults believe they would have a better social life if they had nicer Facebook because they did not like their smile. It isn’t

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