Durham & Oxford, NC
Category: Uncategorized

Preventing Braces in Durham and Oxford NC – Fact or Fiction

Most parents today are well informed when it comes to stopping adverse habits that effects tooth and jaw development in infants and toddlers. Prolonged thumb sucking, pacifiers, and use of bottles past the age of three are reported to cause problems with teeth and impact early jaw development. However, did you know that poor bites and abnormal jaw growth is mostly hereditary and not caused

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Celebrities Embrace Wearing Braces

Wilson Orthodontics wants you to know that braces aren’t just for kids. Even celebrities enjoy the benefits that orthodontic treatment can offer and embrace traditional braces rather than invisible braces to correct their problems. Not every patient is a candidate for Invisalign or braces behind the teeth. Below are a few recognizable names who have chosen show off their treatment, even though they are in

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Halloween No No’s – Chewy, Sticky, Hard and Crunchy

At Wilson Orthodontics we want all our patients to have fun at Halloween. It’s all about decorations, costumes, and having a good time. But we also want to make sure you don’t have any problems with your orthodontic appliances when enjoying your Halloween goodies. Watch the video below to find out how. The video offer patients and moms some great ideas on what sweets you

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Celebrate Orthodontic Health Month in October with a Smile

You only get one chance to make a first impression, no matter what your age. Whether you are meeting new friends or interviewing for a job, a smile is important to building both personal and business relationships. It is a well-known fact that straight teeth and a great smile builds self-esteem, confidence, and influences how you present yourself to the world. Orthodontic treatment, no matter

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Is Pleasing Your Sweet Tooth Worth It?

Sugar in our daily diet will always be an issue for dental and medical professionals, nutritionists, and parents. As long as sugar remains a large part of the American diet, we will continue to hear about all the negative effects sugar can have on the body. But the real question is… will we listen? Overall, Americans are consuming less sugar than before, but Medical Daily

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Smiles Change Lives!

A healthy perfect smile is why many children and adults choose to undergo orthodontic treatment. Around friends and family, a less than attractive smile is not as noticeable. However, when meeting new people, making new friends, and in the workplace, your smile is more obvious to those who don’t know you. When speaking one on one with others, a beautiful smile improves your appearance and

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Are Your Family’s Drinking Habits Healthy?

Did you know that water is one of the most important factors of our daily diet and makes up 60% of your body weight? At Wilson Orthodontics we understand that every organ in your body is dependent on water so it can flush out toxins and carry food to your body cells and thought this was a good topic for our blog. Think about how

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Recipe Wednesdays: Yogurt Popsicles!

Dr. Wilson knows it isn’t always easy to find braces-friendly snacks that are both healthy and delicious, so he’s finding the best recipes out there to share with his patients.  Check back every Wednesday for a new easy and fun snack to try out. This week’s snack was inspired by contest winner and patient, Anna.  Anna entered February’s National Snack Food Month Contest with her

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