Durham & Oxford, NC
Category: Uncategorized

In Durham NC…Beware of Sports Drinks – They Can Damage Your Teeth

Lollipops are a cavity on a stick and soda is pure sugar in a can. Candy and soda cause tooth decay. You’ve been taught this since grade school. This is not news, is it? Well, what about the fact that sports drinks ruin your teeth, too? Heard that one before? Dr. Michael Wilson and the team at Wilson Orthodontics want to make sure you understand

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Recipe Wednesdays: Butterscotch Brownies

Looking for an alternative to chocolate?  Try these yummy butterscotch creations!  It’s butterscotch that isn’t too sticky or chewy- who’d have guessed that you could have butterscotch with braces? Ingredients: 1/3 cup vegetable oil 2 cups brown sugar 2 eggs 1 ½ cups flour 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt 1 tsp vanilla (optional:  1 cup butterscotch bits) Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

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Wilson Orthodontics is a Proud Sponsor of Children’s Dental Health Month

Each February, the American Dental Association (ADA) sponsors National Children’s Dental Health Month to raise awareness about the importance of good oral health. Dr. Michael Wilson supports the ADA in their efforts.Whether you’re a member of the dental team, a teacher, or a parent, teaching kids how to develop good habits at an early age will encourage good dental health over a lifetime. As dental

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Not All kids are Happy Wearing Braces – Good Communication Paves the Way

  Not all kids are happy about wearing, especially teens. If teeth are slowly erupting, a problem develops during a pubertal growth spurt, permanent teeth don’t erupt properly, or finances are an issue, your child may not be a happy camper. Wearing braces between the ages of 11-14 is the most common age for treatment and normally the age of least resistance in most cases.

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Encouraging Kids to Eat Properly Benefits Everyone…

Busy lifestyles and a multitude of distractions make it very difficult for kids and families today to eat a meal together. Most of us at Wilson Orthodontics often find ourselves eating on the run between busy work schedules, dance lessons, sports practices and games, school activities, karate lessons … the list is endless. Not to mention how difficult it is to steer our kids away

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Why Do Many Kids and Adults Need Orthodontic Treatment Today?

At Wilson Orthodontics some parents ask us… “Why are so many kids and adults wearing braces today?” Orthodontic Studies report 70 percent of the US population could benefit from having their teeth and jaws realigned with orthodontic treatment. Ancient ancestors had perfect teeth and bites, as evidenced by fossil records. Then, about 10,000 years ago, malocclusions (bad bites) seem to have become more prevalent. Why?

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Spreading Early Holiday Cheer at Wilson Orthodontics…

It’s time to start spreading the holiday cheer! We love having you as part of our orthodontic family at Wilson Orthodontics, and we want to send holiday smiles to all of our patients and their families with a couple of poems for the season! Happy Holidays to everyone! The Night Before Christmas (with my braces) Twas the night before Christmas, Santa flying all placesDelivering presents

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Five Tips for Cleaning Braces in Durham and Oxford NC…

At Wilson Orthodontics, we don’t have to tell you that keeping your teeth clean during treatment is very important. Braces have a habit of collecting additional food while eating that can cause a multitude of problems if not cared for correctly. So you don’t offend others with unsightly food caught on your braces, or to avoid bad breath, swollen gums, decalcification or discoloring of teeth

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Tired of the Gap Between Your Teeth?

We have all heard the song, “All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth.” As many of us know, there is nothing worse than having lost your baby front teeth and waiting (with a big gap in your smile!) for your adult teeth to come in. However, some people find it is just as frustrating to have both of their front teeth, but

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Timing is Everything In Orthodontics When Treating Children…

  Dr. Michael J. Wilson specializes in the movement of teeth and correction of adverse jaw growth problems. Evaluating and diagnosing each patient’s dental development presents a slightly different challenge for an orthodontist. There are many factors at work and different approaches that can be used. In severe situations, permanent tooth removals may be required to create the necessary space for others. However, no one

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