Durham & Oxford, NC
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Orthodontist in Chapel Hill Warns Against DIY Plaque Removal

With Christmas coming up, you might be seeing advertisements for plaque scrapers that you can use at home to remove tartar and stains. While it may be tempting to buy these as gifts for your friends and family, you should be aware that you can damage your teeth and gums with DIY plaque scraping. Our orthodontist in Chapel Hill explains more below.  Importance of Plaque

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Invisalign® Provider in Durham Recommends Nightguards

Teeth grinding during sleep is a common problem that can cause dental issues. While many people experience symptoms such as jaw and teeth pain, some people might not even be aware that they are grinding until a bed partner notices. If you do experience symptoms, they may also include facial tenderness and difficulty sleeping. Our Invisalign® provider in Durham explains how a night guard may

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Orthodontist in Chapel Hill Explains Classes Of Malocclusion

Occlusion is the term used to describe how the upper and lower teeth align and fit together. In a healthy mouth, the upper teeth fit just over the lower teeth. When the teeth don’t align as they should, it is called malocclusion, or a bad bite. There are different classes of malocclusion, all of which can lead to orthodontic problems and dental issues. Our orthodontist

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Invisalign® Provider in Durham: White Teeth & Braces

Some people experience discoloration of their teeth around their brackets throughout the course of treatment with traditional braces. This is a common occurrence that can lead to unevenness in tooth color after your braces are removed. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to keep your smile bright while undergoing treatment with braces, and there are also methods for correcting tooth shade after your treatment

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Orthodontist in Chapel Hill: Benefits of Early Evaluations

If you’ve been wondering when your child should visit a pediatric dentist, look no further. Our orthodontist is here to provide some information on the importance of pediatric dentistry and the benefits of taking your child to their first checkup as early as possible. How can a checkup help your child? Our orthodontist in Chapel Hill explains more below.  Early Treatment There are many benefits

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Orthodontist in Creedmoor Explains Crossbite

Having proper teeth alignment is an indicator of good oral health. If your teeth do not align properly, it can cause dental issues such as teeth grinding, pain, TMJ disorder, difficulty speaking, and tooth decay. Thankfully, with proper orthodontic treatment, crossbite can be corrected and give you a straight, healthy smile. Our orthodontist in Creedmoor explains what crossbite is and how to treat it. What

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Orthodontist in Roxboro Explains Orthodontic Treatments

If you have crooked teeth, a misaligned bite, or are otherwise looking for methods to correct your smile, you may be wondering what options are available for you. There are a myriad of options to correct your teeth, including spacers, expanders, and jaw correction, but are braces an orthodontic treatment? Yes! Traditional braces, clear aligners, and other corrective measures are all orthodontic treatments! Our orthodontist

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Braces in Oxford Specialist: Metal Braces vs. Clear Aligners

While most people would love the option to avoid traditional metal braces and discreetly straighten their teeth with clear aligners, it may not be the best option for them. Some people are good candidates for clear aligner treatment, but there are others that require the use of wires and brackets to get the perfect smile they want. Our specialist for braces in Oxford explains why

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Braces & Invisalign in Durham Specialist Explains When You Should Start Orthodontic Treatment

When considering straightening your teeth or starting other orthodontic treatment for you or your child, there are many factors to consider. These usually include the length of treatment, cost, and the type of braces desired. However, you may also be wondering about the best time to begin orthodontic treatment. Our specialist for braces & Invisalign® in Durham is here to explain how treatment time frames

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Orthodontist in Oxford Explains Braces Side Effects

The pros of orthodontic treatment such as braces generally outweigh the cons. Straightening your teeth offers increased confidence, an improved bite, and the smile you deserve. However, every patient should be prepared for possible side effects of any treatment before they start. While these side effects are usually mild, there are a few things to be aware of before getting braces. Our orthodontist in Oxford

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